Base Build Week 3: Getting into the Swing of Things

Sweet shot by #Paddywithapixel

Training Time: 10 hours

Run: 26 miles / 2,300 ft

Ride: 58 miles / 0

Lift: 3 sessions / 3 hours

One of the hardest parts of the past two years has been the lack of a training routine. I was reminded this week just how much I love the process. The satisfaction of accomplishing a small step towards a goal every day is a big part of what fuels my fire. Even the hard days, even the rest days, they all add up over time. Even though I have been working incredibly hard since Aila was born, it all felt like what I needed to do to function and be pain free. Now I feel like I have dug myself out of the hole and It feels so good to be building something again. I have so much work to but I felt like I got my groove back a little bit this week.

I started off this week a little wary about volume and intensity. I had a bit of a flare up on Sunday evening but some extra mobility and a rest day on Monday ad me feeling good by Tuesday. I had hoped to take advantage of the day off from work and get in a swim and a hike on Monday. In the end I was feeling tired and decided to give my body what it was clearly telling me it needed: rest. I did get out for a 20 min walk with Aila which really helped flush things out.

I had a pilates session and a PT session this week, both of which revealed a few more things to work on which we hadn’t noticed before. I am super excited because though the tweaks we found were small, they explain why I’ve still had some trouble generating power from the glutes and getting adductor flare ups. Even after just two days of exercise and drills to address the gait issues we found, I am already feeling the difference which gives me so much hope for racing this year.

After 4 weeks of gradual increase in volume, next week will be similar to this week to give my body the chance to absorb all the work. I know by now that building slowly pays off in the long run. Rushing the base building phase has never ended well for me and I have the chance to build a really solid foundation in a way I never have before.

I also got to run with my oldest trail friend Paddy this weekend. We have been knocking around on the trails since 2014 but havent been able to run together for a while. I can’t wait to run with more friends!!